Image: Kystlab / FIS
Serious salmon disease off Sandnessjøen
Friday, September 22, 2023, 07:00 (GMT + 9)
Almost 1 million fish may be slaughtered
On Wednesday evening, iLaks wrote about suspected PD (pancreas disease) at the research center LetSea's location on Ystøya in Alstahaug. According to iLak's source, it should be about 900,000 salmon that are now "clinically ill".
On Thursday, bothLetSea and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority confirm the suspicion, and if the verified samples that have been taken show that an outbreak has occurred, the measure will be extermination.
The locality is run by LetSea, where BioMar and Nordland County Council also own parts of the fish. The locality has 860,000 fish weighing around 2.6 kilos.
It was LetSea itself that reported to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority after making discoveries in its own samples, and the managing director of the company, Kristian Johnsen, says they have acted on the assumption that it is PD that has entered the lakes.
"We have notified everyone and everything to control further spread of infection, and we continue to work closely with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. They have also taken their own samples from the facility, and those answers will arrive tomorrow. Then we will get a decision on how extensive this will possibly be", says Johnsen, who currently has no suspicion that the infection has spread.
"From what I understand, this disease does not spread from the fish in the mare to the wild salmon, and we have strict routines for disinfection in and out of the facility. But you never know, and that is why we go as far as possible to limit the extent of the damage. This is not a disease we want in Helgeland."
Author: Vegard Olsen | iSandnessjøen (Traslated frim the original in Norwegian)