Image: Subpesca / FIS
Chile to Chair FAO Fisheries Committee at COFI38 to Address Challenges in Fishing and Aquaculture
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 01:00 (GMT + 9)
The sustainable use of resources and protection of biodiversity were the topics raised by the Chilean delegation in the event that took place last week in Rome, where it was also agreed that Chile and Ecuador would form the first vice presidency in COFI37.
Between July 8 and 12 in Rome, Italy, the 36th session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) was held, with the aim to highlight the need to strengthen the management, sustainable use and protection of marine biodiversity, as fundamental aspects to confront the global environmental crisis, the loss of diversity and its consequences. On that occasion, Chile highlighted the important role that artisanal fishing and small-scale aquaculture play in this objective.

Source: Subpesca
The Chilean delegation was composed of Dr. Rocío Parra, head of the Legal Division and Juan Santibáñez, head of the Fisheries Development Division of the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture (Subpesca); Soledad Tapia, National Director of Sernapesca and Gonzalo Pereira, Executive Director of the IFOP. Likewise, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Chilean ambassador to Italy, Dr. Ennio Vivaldi, led the delegation; Julio Cordano, director of Environment, Climate Change and Oceans; and Javier Gorostegui, permanent advisor at FAO.
During the international meeting, the Chilean representation also highlighted the importance of regional fishing organizations for fisheries planning and sustainable management of resources, in addition to the need to move towards sustainable aquaculture. In this context, FAO was also asked to strengthen the work of its regional offices and decentralize its policies so that they respond more adequately to the challenges of each country.
Likewise, they highlighted to COFI the importance of the new High Seas Agreement, better known as BBNJ, which will allow the establishment of governance where the different agreements and instruments work - in a coordinated and cooperative manner - with regional fishing organizations to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean in the long term.
Accompanying the commission were also leaders of artisanal fishing in Chile, who played a leading role in the Second Meeting of Small-Scale Fisheries and Aquaculture (SSF 2024) and a representative of the industrial fishing union.
It should be noted that the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) is an auxiliary body of the FAO Council, which was established by the FAO Conference in 1965 and Chile has been a part of it since its inception. Chile concluded its participation in this instance with the support of all members of the international forum to integrate, together with Ecuador, the first vice presidency in the next period (COFI37) and the presidency of the committee at the COFI38 meeting towards 2026.
Source: Subpesca (Translated from the original in Spanish)

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