PRODUCE Authorizes Start of the First Anchoveta Fishing Season 2024 in the Southern Zone
Monday, March 04, 2024, 01:00 (GMT + 9)
Quota was set at 251,000 tons, according to the recommendation of IMARPE. •PRODUCE will comply with the surveillance and control of fishing areas.
Source: Stockfile FIS
The Ministerio de la Producción (PRODUCE) authorized the start of the first season of artisanal fishing for the anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and white anchovy (Anchoa nasus) resources in the maritime area between 16°00'LS and the southern end of the maritime domain of Peru.
Source: Stockfile FIS
According to Resolución Ministerial N.º 000059-2024-PRODUCE, published in the official newspaper El Peruano, the maximum catch limit for the first 2024 fishing season in the southern zone will be 251,000 tons as recommended by the Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE).
Source: Stockfile FIS-->
It is important to mention that the start of the extractive activity takes effect from 00:00 hours on the third business day counted from the day after this Ministerial Resolution is published.
In that sense, only vessels with a fishing permit for the anchovy resource intended for indirect human consumption, registered and authorized to carry out extractive activities during the current fishing season, will be able to carry out fishing tasks.
To protect the resource, the fishery will be monitored and monitored to take measures to protect the species.
The quota is established based on the scientific recommendations of IMARPE, to develop a sustainable activity that contributes to the revitalization of the fishing sector.
Source: Produce (Translated from the original in Spanish)