Photo: Norges Sildesalgslag /FIS
Strong growth in mackerel exports
Monday, December 11, 2023, 00:50 (GMT + 9)
Because mackerel fishing started late this year, it was expected that exports would reach a peak in October and November, compared to September and October last year.
"There is good demand in the important Asian markets, with Japan and South Korea at the forefront. Although total exports are about 30,000 tonnes (9.2 percent) behind last year due to lower quota and catches, direct exports to Japan have increased by over 10,000 tonnes and South Korea is on par with last year", says pelagic species official in Norway's Seafood Council, Jan Eirik Johnsen.
So far this year, 67 percent of the mackerel exported from Norway has gone to Asia. At the same time last year, the figure was 63 percent.
Norway exported 48,448 tonnes of mackerel to a value of NOK 1.1 billion in November.
The value increased by NOK 513 million, or 86 per cent, compared to November last year.
This is a growth in volume of 57 per cent.
South Korea, China and Japan were the biggest markets for mackerel in November.
"No higher prices have been recorded for whole frozen mackerel under 600 grams. In November, it ended at NOK 22.38 in November, which is 11 per cent higher than in November last year", says Johnsen.
In dollars, the price in November was 2.05, which is the third highest price achieved, behind February and March last year with 2.11 and 2.13 dollars respectively per kilo.
Author/Source: Row Bjånesøy / Norges Sildesalgslag (translated from original in norwegian)