Salmon aquaculture has brought along major concerns with regards to the remaining wild salmon population. Danish Salmon is also confronting these concerns and taking threats against wild stock salmonids out of the equation. Farming Atlantic Salmon, on land, within a closed recirculated system (RAS), eliminates threats against wild life completely. No pathogens and disease transfer!
Spreading diseases into the wild is no longer a concern and affecting the life cycle of wild salmonids is off the table. Concerns about overfishing are also being dealt with in a responsible manner. Finally we can create a stable platform for the future of Atlantic Salmon aquaculture, and aquaculture in general.
At Danish Salmon we are operating a land-based and contained recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). The operation is based around cutting edge technology, within areas of water treatment, pump technology and aquaculture management pratices.
Our productions methods allows for a 99 % recirculation degree, raising the bar for sustainable salmon aquaculture to a new high
Danish Salmon has a huge responsibility with regards to traceability. We control what comes in and what goes out. Activities at Danish Salmon which ensure our part in the total traceability and transparency scheme include: strict invoice system – making sure that input matches output, recording salmon-batches and their way through production, several fish counts, public available reports and much more.
Through the use of our own Smolt supply, we are furthermore minimizing risks for traceability issues. Having our own supply for grow-out allows for detailed monitoring, making sure that downstream partners are as informed as possible.
Land-based recirculated aquaculture allows for 100% controlled conditions. Add to this Danish Salmon's management expertise within land-based salmon aquaculture and the result is premium quality.
Salmon aquaculture in land-based systems enables us to condition the salmon just the right way. The result is a leaner, healthier salmon with supreme texture and taste.
Established collaborations enables us to supply the market with fresh salmon unlike ever before. Since every step of further processing is within walking distance of our facility, we are able to carry out harvest, processing and shipping within 24 hours.
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