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Illustration picture from trip back in 2020. Photographer: Leif Nøttestad / Institute of Marine Research (Havforskningsinstituttet)

The recommended quota for mackerel is reduced by 22 per cent

Click on the flag for more information about Norway NORWAY
Wednesday, October 02, 2024, 15:50 (GMT + 9)

On Monday, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) presented its quota recommendations for Norwegian spring-spawning herring (nvg herring), blue whiting, mackerel and western horse mackerel for 2025. 

For mackerel, the Norwegian Marine Researchers is calling for the lowest quota since 2013.

ICES recommends a quota of 576,958 tonnes for mackerel in 2025. This is a decrease of 22 per cent compared to the advice for 2024, and 40 per cent compared to the assumed catch in 2024. 

"The spawning population is dangerously close to the precautionary level. In order to maintain a stock that is sustainable, fishing pressure must be reduced," says stock manager Leif Nøttestad. 

High fish mortality

Back in 2014, the spawning population of mackerel was estimated at over 7 million tonnes. In 2024, the estimated spawning stock is lower than 2.8 million tonnes. 

The marine researcher points out that fish mortality in mackerel has increased sharply in recent years and is now far above the precautionary level (F MSY ), at the same time that recruitment has been poor. 

"During this summer's mackerel and ecosystem tour, we measured the smallest distribution and the lowest density of mackerel we have seen in the last 15 years," explains Nøttestad.

A lack of international agreements and fishing above the council is a challenge for both mackerel, Norwegian herring and blue whiting. 

Weak rise for nvg herring 

ICES recommends that catches of Norwegian spring-spawning herring must not exceed 401,794 tonnes. This is an increase of three percent compared to the advice for 2024, and ten percent lower than the assumed catch in 2024.

"The spawning population of nvg herring is barely below the precautionary level in 2024 and slightly lower in 2025," explains population manager Erling Kåre Stenevik. 

He points out that the outlook is a little brighter further on in time:

"Two strong year classes are on their way in with the 2021 year class and the 2022 year class. The 2022 year class in particular looks promising, but this year class is not old enough to enter the spawning population in 2025. But the outlook is brighter further ahead."

Slight decline for blue whiting - opening for western horse mackerel

For the blue whiting, the recommended quota is 1,447,054 tonnes for 2025. This is five per cent lower than the advice for 2024, and 23 per cent lower than the assumed catch in 2024. 

For western horse mackerel, the researchers recommend a quota of 75,545 tonnes in 2025. In the last two years, there has been advice on zero catch for western horse mackerel. A method revision has been carried out for western horse mackerel in 2024. Here, among other things, the reference points have been updated, and this has led to ICES no longer recommending zero catch. The quota advice for 2025 is at the same level as those given in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Author: Bente Kjøllesdal/Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (Havforskningsinstituttet) | Translated from original in Norwegian



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