The Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries or DG MARE is a Directorate-General of the European Commission, responsible for the policy area of fisheries, the Law of the Sea and Maritime Affairs of the European Union.
The mission of DG MARE is “To steer, in close relationship with stakeholders at regional and European level, the development and implementation of the Integrated Maritime Policy and to manage the Common Fisheries Policy with a view to promote the sustainable development of maritime activities as well as the sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources within and beyond Community waters”
The DG FISH encompasses 6 Directorates, all headquartered in Brussels, Belgium:
A: Policy development and coordination
B: External Policy and Markets
C: Atlantic, outermost regions and Arctic
D: Mediterranean and Black Sea
E: Baltic Sea, Black Sea and landlocked member states
F: Resources
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries